The PhD program in Behavior Analysis is accredited by the ABAI Accreditation Board through 2031.
Learn more about our accreditation status
See the education and training outcomes of our program
The mission of the PhD program area in Behavior Analysis at West Virginia University is to produce an individual who can function effectively in various academic or applied settings, advance our understanding of the principles of behavior, and apply those principles to socially significant problems.
Training Model
The behavior analysis program area trains students in basic research, theory, and
applications of behavior principles. Through research, course work, and practica,
students develop skills in the experimental and applied analysis of behavior,
including a strong conceptual background and methods appropriate for developing
behavioral technologies. The basic, conceptual, and applied areas are integrated
in the curriculum; however, a student may emphasize either basic or applied research.
Admissions Requirements
In addition to WVU’s general admission requirements, applicants for graduate studies in Psychology must meet the requirements outlined in the Academic Catalog for the Psychology PhD Admissions Procedures .
Degree Requirements & Learning Outcomes
Visit the Academic Catalog to learn more about the
Degree Requirements and
Learning Outcomes. Note that students who enter the program with a bachelor’s
degree must complete a master’s degree and a master’s thesis en route to the doctoral
degree. They have two options: an
MS in Psychology or an
MS in Behavior Analysis. The MS requirement normally is waived for students
who enter the PhD program with a master’s degree, if their thesis is judged to
be equivalent to WVU theses by the Behavior Analysis faculty. The MS in Behavior
Analysis also is accredited by ABAI (through 2030), but enrollment in the program
is limited to students who have been accepted into the PhD program. We do not accept
students seeking a terminal MS degree.
Research Opportunities
Learn about research opportunities with the Behavior Analysis graduate faculty:
Facilities & Financial Support
Our basic research laboratories are located in the Life Sciences Building. Each lab is outfitted with operant-conditioning chambers for pigeons or rats or both. Applied researchers also have laboratory spaces within the Life Sciences Building equipped with one-way mirrors from observation bays to therapy rooms and equipment for real-time data collection of behavior. Additionally, applied researchers conduct studies in the community, including local public schools.
We have been able to provide funding for each student in good standing in our program.
Doctoral students gain teaching experience, including opportunities for senior
students to design and teach their own courses. Teaching serves as one source of
funding for students. Students may also be funded through practicum placements
in which they conduct clinical work to support children in the local community.
Graduate students may also be hired as research assistants to work on grant-funded
studies. In addition to a nine-month stipend, each student in good standing receives
a university tuition waiver.
Becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst
The program includes the coursework and experiences necessary for graduates to become Board Certified Behavior Analysts. These courses are not mandatory, and completing the requirements is optional. Pass-rate data are not available for our program because such data are not published for sequences with fewer than six first-time candidates in a single year (our cohorts include four students per year on average, and not all students choose to pursue the BCBA credential).
Academic Policies & Procedures
- WVU Graduate Catalog
- Psychology Graduate Student Handbook (includes information on credit for previous graduate work)
Program History
The Behavior Analysis program area at West Virginia University was created in 1976. Don Hake was recruited to WVU to be the program area coordinator, a position that he held until his untimely death in 1982.
The founding faculty members of the Behavior Analysis program were Don Hake, Andy Lattal, Kent Parker, and Jim Shafer. Andy Lattal served as area coordinator from 1982-2012. Mike Perone served as area coordinator from 2012-2013 and is the current coordinator. Claire St. Peter served as coordinator from 2013-2023. Of the present faculty, Andy Lattal arrived in 1972, Mike Perone in 1984, Karen Anderson in 2003, Claire St. Peter in 2006, Kathryn Kestner in 2015, Brennan Armshaw in 2022, and Ray Joslyn in 2023. Since its inception, the program area has awarded nearly a hundred doctoral degrees to students who have come from all parts of the United States and from many other countries.
The Department of Psychology is a recipient of the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Award for Enduring Programmatic Contributions to Behavior Analysis. This award is given to an agency, department or facility of an organization that contributes to the ongoing and enduring development of behavior analysis.
Over the years, our faculty members have been recognized through major teaching and
research awards given by both the university and by professional societies. Faculty
also further behavior-analytic science by serving on as editors and associate editors
of major behavior-analytic journals and receiving and managing extramural research