The WVU Psychology Club is a student organization open to any student who has an interest in psychology. The organization offers students many opportunities to be active on and off campus.
To join, complete an application and submit the $10 dues for the academic year at a meeting or to the Psychology Club and Psi Chi office (LSB 1106) during a posted office hours.
- The organization sponsors speakers and other activities to advance the professional development of its members.
- It promotes identification with the science of psychology and encourages participation in service activities to enhance the behavioral health of people in the community.
- The club also provides opportunities for students to interact with faculty and other professional psychologists outside of the classroom while enriching the undergraduate experience on campus.
- Students can become involved in the Psychology Club early in their undergraduate career and later may be eligible to also participate in Psi Chi.
For more information about Psychology Club, please visit our website or contact us at