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Amy Gentzler

Amy Gentzler, Ph.D.

Professor, Life-Span Developmental Psychology

Contact 2230 Life Science Building

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Dr. Gentzler received a B.A. (Psychology major) from Miami University in Ohio. She then trained in Experimental Psychology (specializing in Social Psychology) at Kent State University, working with Dr. Kathryn Kerns as her advisor. Dr. Gentzler completed an NIMH postdoctoral fellowship in developmental psychopathology at George Washington University, then gained additional, valuable research experience by working at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center & University of Pittsburgh within the childhood depression research program. She joined the faculty at WVU in 2007.

Research Interests

In the IDEA Lab, Dr. Gentzler and her students study emotions and emotion regulation. As part of this focus, they try to better understand how and why people develop the emotion regulation and coping strategies that they do by studying factors like familial socialization, parental history of depression, and child temperament. Also, investigations of potential correlates or outcomes of regulatory strategies have been conducted, including general adjustment, academic achievement, and quality of relationships.


  • Psychology 351- Applied Social Psychology
  • Psychology 370 – Emotions & Mood
  • Psychology 542 – Child Development
  • Psychology 546 – Methodological Issues in Developmental Psychology
  • Psychology 725 – Social PsychologyPsychology 745 – Seminar in Life Span Developmental Psychology: Emotions

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