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Financial Assistance

for Graduate Programs

All doctoral applicants are considered automatically for financial support, so no separate application is required for this purpose. Students in the doctoral programs are normally supported during the typical training period (four years for students entering with a bachelor’s degree and three years for students entering with a master’s degree approved by the area training committee), assuming they remain academically in good standing. Most forms of financial support are in the form of an assistantship and include a stipend, waivers of university tuition during the academic year and summer terms, and health insurance. All students must pay college tuition and student fees (see current fee schedule at

Students appointed to positions where no specific duties are listed (e.g. fellowships, scholarships and practicum placements) will be expected to devote full time to graduate study and will be assigned the teaching duties or clinical practice required of graduate students in their respective degree programs. Assistantships where duties (e.g. teaching, research or clinical service) are considered as half-time appointments and are regarded as educational experiences as well as employment will be expected to complete 20 hours of work per week.

Prior experience and scholastic achievement are considered in awarding fellowships and assistantships. The following graduate student assistantships and stipends are available to doctoral graduate students. 

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Students teach individual sections of multi-section introductory or online courses (e.g. PSYC 101, 241, 251 or 281), or supervise laboratory sections of courses (e.g. PSYC 203, 204, 301 or 302). For a description of these and other undergraduate courses, visit the  graduate catalog. Training and faculty supervision are provided, and 20 hours of work per week are required. For 2021-2022, stipends for the nine-month academic year are $16,500. Students supported on nine-month assistantships often obtain summer employment, either through clinical traineeships or summer teaching or research assistantships, but summer funding is not guaranteed. 

Research and Administrative Assistantships

Students assist faculty with research projects or administrative tasks. These stipends generally are commensurate with the Graduate Teaching Assistantships described above, but may be slightly more depending on the student’s experience and the source of funding.

Traineeships at Practicum Sites

Paid practicum placements at out-of-department sites are available for doctoral students in their second year and beyond, or in their first year and beyond if entering with a master’s degree and having applied experience. Many practicum sites and opportunities change from year to year, but a sample of these out-of-department practicum sites are listed in the facilities section above. The practicum sites are located in Morgantown as well as across the state and region. Stipends for practicum placements generally are commensurate with graduate teaching assistantships and are awarded for nine to 12 months, depending on the particular practicum experience. Practica placements, also like graduate teaching assistantships, require 20 hours of work per week.

University Fellowships 

Nominees for University fellowships are selected by the Department of Psychology based on overall strength of the applicant’s record. Departmental nominees are considered by college and university selection committees. Learn more about the various University fellowships and scholarships.

Note: Nominations for University fellowships are made by the Department of Psychology after review of students’ applications. Applications should not be initiated for these fellowships by individual applicants without first being endorsed by the Department of Psychology.

Psychology graduate students also are eligible to apply for research and travel grants from the Department of Psychology’s research and travel funds, the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Travel Assistance Fund and the Office of Graduate Education and Life for funds to facilitate data collection and travel to professional conferences.